Frequently Asked Questions

Generally people will lose weight on a Cleanse program. It is important to understand that this weight loss is a combination of releasing fluids, glycogen stores and internal waste, in addition to body fat. Anecdotally, over the past 5 years of supplying cleanses to clients, people can lose between 1.5-3 kg on a 2-Day Cleanse – however, please understand that everyone is different and as such the experience will differ from each individual.

For optimal nutrient absorption we recommend consumption within 4 days of delivery - unless otherwise stated by Karmic (the juices and items can last longer, however, it depends on your delivery location and other factors). Please make sure that the juice is refrigerated at all times and shake well before consumption - it is normal for the juice to separate - they will shake back together. Additionally, no items are designed to be frozen (except for the bone broth) - so please do not please juices or soups into the freezer (or near the coldest parts of the fridge) as the juices will expand and can burst through the glass. Karmic can not take responsibility for glass bottles / juices the have 'burst' due to freezing.

The team at KARMIC believe that cleansing is an ongoing ritual and therefore should be performed at regular intervals. To feel the complete benefits of a KARMIC Cold Pressed Juice cleanse, one must undergo the ritual more than once. The initial cleanse can cause a slight shock to the system and some benefits may be felt such as weight loss, lighter insides and resetting of the taste buds. This first cleanse lays the foundations for subsequent cleanses and makes way for a complete body transformation.

We recommend booking in for at least 2 cleanses at the one time (i.e. beginning on the same day in consecutive weeks) in order to prepare the body and mind for the experience.

One of the main benefits of doing a Cleanse is that you allow your digestive system to rest and recover. For every 2-day Cleanse over 8kg of raw vegetables is consumed in juice form. It would be very hard to digest 8kg of raw vegetables without causing digestive discomfort.

We offer 2-day, 3-day, 4-day, 5-day, 6-day and 7-day juice cleanses. Simply choose which juice cleanse you want then select the duration.

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