What to expect from your first cleanse

If you’ve never cleansed before, the combination of nervous anticipation and the withdrawal from your usual routine is both exciting and overwhelming. Nevertheless, with KARMIC’s insights into cleansing we can offer some sound advice about what to expect when you cleanse for the first time.
1. Prepare both mentally & physically.
Cleansing is a time to rest & repair. The best way to experience this fully is to make gradual changes a day or two out from your first cleanse day. Try to avoid caffeine, alcohol & sugar. Eat light meals & make sure you’re getting plenty of fluids. This can help to avoid withdrawal symptoms and cravings.
Prepare mentally for the cleanse too. Avoid cleansing at times when there are other commitments such as social events, travel or even periods of strenuous exercise such as during a sporting competition. All of these things can detract from your attention, meaning that you’re not fully resting the body or the mind. No one wants to feel tired, hungry and flat - cleanse properly and you can feel clear, light and attentive.
2. Understand your body’s natural fluctuations.
KARMIC Cleanses contain very little sugars. This means that you blood sugar levels may drop momentarily during your first day of cleansing, or until your body naturally readjusts itself. This can lead to some feelings of lethargy and nausea. These feelings can be compounded by withdrawals from caffeine, sugar and some food additives, usually resulting in a mild headache and difficulty concentrating. If it is your first time cleansing and if your usual diet is not particularly clean, these physical symptoms & emotional feelings can be quite abrupt.
It’s important to remember that cleansing is a journey which takes you from your usual routine and places you at a destination from which you can re-evaluate the types of foods you’re eating. This journey requires breaking routine and challenging yourself with something new, so it’s never going to be easy all of the time.
Trust your body to readjust itself during the first day of your cleanse. Soon enough the physical symptoms will disappear, thus clearing your mind also. Day 2 brings plenty to look forward to in terms of increased energy, reduced dependance on unhealthy foods and a fresh perspective on your lifestyle.
3. Nurture yourself
During the cleanse remember to stay hydrated, comfortable and get plenty of sleep. Take a break from strenuous activity and consider incorporating body movement exercises such as yoga, tai chi or relax with meditation. Switching off from electronics where practical is a great way to allow your mind to become still. Reconnect with yourself and others.

At all times you’re welcome to contact KARMIC for advice on cleansing, whether you’re an existing cleanse client or simply would like to know more.